Bush Flower Essence - Women's Health Blend


Womens’ Health; Fertility, Creativity, Inner Goddess

She Oak; Female balance. Maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Clears any conscious or unconscious blockages.

Bottlebrush; Supportive for Women's Health. Encourages serenity and calm, ability to cope and move forward.

Crowea; Strengthening, calming, centering to align body and mind. Peace, calm, vitality. Balances and centers the individual.

Paw Paw; calmness, clarity, support during feelings of overwhelmed connection to higher self, support making decisions, and support with nausea.

Pink Flannel Flower; Helps to connect with heart energy. May support when feeling dull, flat or when finding it difficult to see the positives. Helps to open the heart, express gratitude, appreciation, and the lightness of being. This flower will help to keep your heart open and filled with high love vibrations.

Bluebell; Opens the heart supports when feeling cut off or disconnected. Belief in abundance and universal trust, joyful sharing and unconditional love.

Billy Goat Plum; Supports in accepting the physical body, releasing feelings of shame and self-loathing. Helps to improve open-mindedness and self-love. Also supports those who may be feelings an inability to enjoy sex or pleasure.