Bush Flower Essence - Direction & Clarity


Bush Flower Essences

Supporting our connection to nature and ourselves.

Shake the bottle to activate, hold the bottle in your hands, and connect with any words or intentions that you are inviting forward.

Take one full dropper under the tongue morning and night. Made with love x

Direction & Clarity

Five corners; Love and acceptance of self. Joyousness and a celebration of one's own beauty. Embrace the feminine.

Old Man Banksia; Can be supportive for those who are feeling weary or disheartened. It helps us to connect with the enjoyment of life and spark enthusiasm. For Indigenous people, it was known as the tree for female spirituality.

Peach-Flowered Tea Tree; Supports with life's ups and downs and all of the emotions that go with it. Can be useful when you are feeling a lack of commitment to follow through on a project or become bored easily. It can help in creating personal stability and taking responsibility for one's health.

Billy Goat Plum; Supports in accepting the physical body, releasing feelings of shame and self-loathing. Helps to improve open-mindedness and self-love. Also supports those who may be feelings an inability to enjoy sex or pleasure.

Fringed Violet; Supports any damage to the aura and aids psychic protection. Lessens the effects of stagnant or distressing and/or traumatic events. Supports in releasing psychic shock, grief and distress. Supportive for those who may be feeling drained by others or who are unconsciously absorbing other people's energy.